As everyone says goodbye to the 2012-2013 TCLP teachers, staff and schools are preparing to welcome the new group who are set to arrive at the end of July. This year, teachers are spread out all over the country including the three new states of Louisiana, Washington, and Wyoming. There are a total of 10 schools hosting Chinese teachers and six schools hosting Egyptian teachers from 13 different states. Approximately half of the schools are situated in an urban area; 30% are in a suburban area; and the remaining three schools are in more rural areas. A small majority of the teachers will be teaching high school students and the rest will be teaching in elementary and middle schools. Some teachers are going to schools that have a recently established Arabic or Chinese language program and want to grow their program, and others will be placed in schools who are just starting their program. Schools are also looking forward to welcoming new members to their faculty. Read more about Roosevelt Elementary and Audubon Charter School in the news.
In their free time teachers will be able to explore the diverse areas where they are placed. Activities may include clam-digging, attending a school picnic, hiking in the mountains, shopping at craft fairs, attending live music concerts, sampling local foods at festivals, cross-country skiing, enjoying art galleries, fishing, watching plays, beach-combing and more! TCLP staff is looking forward to hearing about the teachers’ adventures in and outside the classroom as they are welcomed by their host communities.
For more details, view our map of the 2013-2014 TCLP host schools.