July 6th was a special day for American Councils in Moldova. Over 50 alumni from the Open World Program, the Professional Fellows Program (PFP), the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) Program, and the English Access Microscholarship Program (Access) gathered to celebrate U.S. Independence Day, honor active alumni, share success stories, and thank American Councils Moldova’s strategic partners.
American Councils Moldova county director David Jesse kicked off the official ceremony, handing out “Thank You” awards to our most active alumni and strategic partners, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, English Teaching Resource Center, Radio Moldova, State University of Moldova, and many others. Daniela Munca-Aftenev, Open World/PFP program officer, moderated a Jeopardy!–inspired game on American culture, symbols, and lifestyle. Access coordinator Olga Morozan later presented Web 2.0 tools that can aid international education projects. Our guests participated in an Independence Day lottery, and won various prizes offered by American Councils Moldova strategic partners, including free English language courses and professional development opportunities.
Running parallel to the alumni event, the American Language Center organized a free English Speaking Club session, also based on the Independence Day theme. Two special guests were the American participants in the Eurasia Regional Language Program, who organized traditional American games and contests for the young students. The two also spoke to participants using various English accents to reflect the way English is spoken in New York versus Texas.
Also on July 6th, over 30 Access students and teachers involved in the annual EFL summer camp, joined by FLEX and e-Winning participants, celebrated Independence Day with a special afternoon party where they sang American songs, organized team-building activities, created Independence Day posters and crafts, and assembled 3-D puzzles depicting the Statue of Liberty, Golden Gate Bridge, and Independence Hall. Party guests also discussed their interest in various aspects of American history and culture. Some Access students even dressed up as American presidents like Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson; delivering excerpts from the Gettysburg Address and the Declaration of Independence. To close out the celebration, Access students learned the lyrics to "God Bless America" and pulled confetti poppers!
More details on:
http://www.americancouncils.md/access/news/806 and http://www.americancouncils.md/news/781
News from David Jesse, Country Director, American Councils Moldova